I have been a longstanding public advocate for the right to take photographs in public places and counsel photographers on all kinds of issues. Among my services are obtaining compensation from parties who use work without permission or beyond the scope of a license and the preparation of licensing agreements. I have prepared resources for photographers below.
The Photographer’s Right was first prepared in 2003 to educate photographers about their rights in the increasing hostile environment following the events of September 11. It has been one of the most used resources by photographers who take photos in public spaces, with over a million downloads. Furthermore, it has always been offered free of charge. Information about the document and how to download it as a PDF can be found by clicking on the image to the right.

Legal Handbook for Photographers is written from the perspective of a photographer who has actually confronted the legal issues that many photographers face. This book explains the fundamental legal principles that affect the rights to make images, and is intended to increase your comprehension of how the law affects photography. In addition, the book provides guidance on how to handle confrontations, obtain remedies if wronged, and develop an ethic that reflects your individual approach to photography. It also explains the importance of copyright protection and the legal issues associated with publishing and licensing images. The fourth edition of the book can be ordered on Amazon.